All youth have access to opportunities to express their creativity in the photographic arts in a learning environment and with a curriculum that supports the diversity of individuals, communities, and cultures.
Create opportunities for youth to learn and use the photographic arts as a technical and expressive medium fostering personal development and cultural engagement.
In-Sight welcomes and celebrates everyone with their varied backgrounds, financial situations, and aesthetic skills and styles.
In-Sight fosters collaboration deepening connections among youth, local arts and culture, and the wider world.
In-Sight blends learning about artistic, technical, and life skills by encouraging students to be creative, take opportunities, and strengthen pride and enjoyment.
Programs include:
Classes in our facility or at a partnership school, Youth Photo Club, Artist-in-Residence, and Internships, Gallery Exhibitions, and Photo Contests!
In-Sight’s Beginning
Photographers Bill Ledger and John Willis founded In-Sight Photography Project in 1992 when they observed difficult interactions between local teenagers and police. Believing that teenagers need a positive outlet for their energy and expression, Bill and John decided to teach a free photography course for the summer. Encouraged by an outpouring of community support, John and Bill built a darkroom and teaching facility in the basement of the Brattleboro Teen Center. In-Sight now offers photography courses at the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels for students ages 11 to 18, in our own facility and in partnership with local schools, and has served over 2,500 youth.