Telephone: (802) 251-9960
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Take a virtual tour of In-Sight!
Facilites Gallery

183 Main St, Suite 3
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Behind Key Bank, Mitchell-Giddings Fine Art, & Brattleboro School of Dance
Map of In-Sight’s two entrances as approached from Main Street
The In-Sight Photography Project strives to ensure that its culture, programming, and facility are equally accessible to all in an inclusive environment.
We welcome visitors to contact us regarding any specific accommodations they may need to facilitate participation in our programs, services, and events. We will make every effort to honor requests.
Questions about accessibility can be directed to Emily Wagner at or by calling 802-251-9960.
In-Sight’s main entrance is wheelchair accessible and located on the east side of the building, down the alley between the Mitchell-Giddings Gallery and Penelope Wurr. The entrance walkway has a very slight slope towards the entrance and has a combination of cement on the left side and gravel on the right side, split down the length of the alley.
The first-floor Tiny Gallery, atrium, unisex bathrooms, classroom/presentation room, digital lab, darkroom, and processing room are all wheelchair accessible.
Arriving by Car
Individuals with a handicapped placard can park free in any metered space in Brattleboro. Accessible parking spaces are available in Harris Lot, which can be found on Harris Place, to the north of the building, and High Street Lot, located on the East Side of the building. There is also an accessible space in front of In the Moment Records. Two metered parking spaces, located in front of the building, can be reserved before events if the staff has adequate forewarning of their need.
Visitors being dropped off are encouraged to call ahead if assistance is needed.
Main Entrance Door
If you need assistance in opening the door, please ring the doorbell located to the left of the door. A staff member does not sit in view of the door, so in the event that the staff cannot hear the doorbell, please call the office at 802.251.9960.
Back Entrance
In-Sight’s back door is also open to the public and can be found behind Key Bank on Main St in Brattleboro. Five steps, with railings on both sides, lead up to a deck where the back door can be found.
We always encourage visitors to contact us prior to arriving to ensure the staff member you wish to speak with is available.